13. Le Sacre du Printemps, Sketches by Mary Wigman 1957, Academy of the Arts Berlin WEB April 5, 2015
12. Le Sacre du Printemps, Sketches by Mary Wigman 1957, Academy of the Arts Berlin WEB April 5, 2015
7. Mikayelyan, Slavický, Le Sacre du printemps by M.Wigman, Bavarian State Ballet WEB – Kopie April 5, 2015
6. Graf, ensemble, Le Sacre du printemos by M.Wigman, Bavarian State Ballet WEB – Kopie April 5, 2015
5. Barrowman, The Girl and the Knife Thrower by Simone Sandroni, Bavarian State Ballet WEB – Kopie April 5, 2015