Tag Archive: Vladimir Kocić

Turning Points

Bavarian State Ballet’s Matteo Dilaghi, Mia Rudic and Matej Urban
Munich, Germany
May, 2016

by Ilona Landgraf
Copyright © 2016 by Ilona Landgraf

1. Matteo Dilaghi, Bavarian State Ballet © S.Kletzsch 2. Mia Rudic, Bavarian State Ballet © S.Kletzsch3. Matej Urban, Bavarian State Ballet © W.Hösl Pina Bausch’s “Für die Kinder von gestern, heute und morgen” (“For the children of yesterday, today and tomorrow”), which entered the Bavarian State Ballet’s repertory just a few weeks ago, has since then caused a stir. Audiences, though divided at first, are meanwhile storming the box office. An extra performance has been scheduled. (more…)